Wellness für den urbanen Alltag

Die Berliner Urban Boost Station bietet ihren Kunden moderne und schnelle Regeneration, u.a. in der cryo:one+ von MECOTEC

„Ich möchte Wellness-to-Go machen. So dass sich jedermann Wellness in den Alltag integrieren kann.“ Diese Idee hatte Niclas Bönström, Gründer der Fitnesskette für Frauen Mrs. Sporty, vor zwei Jahren und damit entstand nur kurze Zeit später ganz in der Nähe des Ku’damm die „Urban Boost Station“, Berlins erste Adresse zur Regeration für den gestressten Großstädter.

Mit natürlichen Anwendungen nach einem sogenannten No-Touch-Prinzip arbeitet das Studio und regt den Körper so zur selbstständigen Erholung und Optimierung an.

„We wanted the latest technology that boosts the body’s own processes, quickly and in a natural way. Using ‚ancient‘ methods, such as the use of cold, in combination with the innovative technology from MECOTEC, we have created an overall concept that is compelling for customers – we call it Boost[er]Wellness‘,“ says Kerstin Kolata, who is responsible for putting together Urban Boost Station’s products and services.

The feedback from customers speaks for itself. Due to its central location, a wide variety of users are drawn to the Urban Boost Station—be it international business travelers visiting their cryo chambers to fight jet lag or athletes seeking to optimize their training routines with a combination of cryotherapy and other services. Regular customer Jannis, a cameraman and competitive athlete, particularly appreciates the positive effect that the cold application has on his neurodermatitis, in addition to the regeneration support.

Kolata is enthusiastic about the response so far: „The applications in the cryo chamber and with the cold air devices from MECOTEC definitely strike a chord and support customers of the Urban Boost Station in strengthening their immune system and overall well-being.“

Pic: © Urban Boost Station; K. Kolata 2. f. l.; N. Boenstroem 3. f. l.

Urban Boost Station

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